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How I Got Into CPD and Communities of Practice Support  (post)

On one of the weeks I was supposed to be off I got snowed in. To make use of my time I worked the free clinic telephone trying to find an Advanced  Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course in Winnipeg. Posted: October 31, 2024 (public)
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How Do I Determine if My Patient has Decision-Making Capacity?

How Do I Determine if My Patient has Decision-Making Capacity?

HHS launches innovative hospitalist training program

HHS launches innovative hospitalist training program Hospitalist Postings Hospitalist Postings

Sunnybrook Hospitalist Fellowship Program

Sunnybrook Hospitalist Fellowship Program

UofT Enhanced Skills Program: Hospital Medicine

UofT Enhanced Skills Program: Hospital Medicine


Family Medicine Hospitalist Ads on HFO

Family Medicine Hospitalist Ads on HFO

Service Locator takes you to an OMNI-search of all Family Medical hospitalist offerings listed on HealthForceOntario. Have your login for HFO ready. Once entered the link carries on to the targetted information.

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Hospitalist Podcast roundup on

Hospitalist Podcast roundup on

Using Labs Wisely - Hospital Based Program - Choosing Wisely

Using Labs Wisely - Hospital Based Program - Choosing Wisely

Clinical Guideline

" ..Choosing Wisely Canada is inviting hospitals across Canada to join us in a concerted effort to curb low-value testing so that available lab resources could be put to better use.."


Choosing Wisely Choosing Wisely

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Hospitalist, Rehab and Stroke Events