A photo of Alykhan Abdulla

Alykhan Abdulla

A photo of Alykhan Abdulla

Alykhan Abdulla

Dr. Abdulla has three children, Adil is a class actions plaintiff side lawyer, Iman is applying for medical school and Alim is into musical theatre. His partner Tia MacPherson is a professional portrait photographer and Chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Council at Queensway Carleton Hospital. He is a pickleball enthusiast, a ballroom dancer, and a movie buff. He is multi-angular in his interests and pursuits.

On a vocational angle, he is a comprehensive family doctor, palliative, sports, cosmetic and travel medicine consultant working in a FHO. He is assistant professor Department of Family Medicine and Academic Consultant Level 1 Faculty of Nursing at University of Ottawa. He is Lead of the Leadership Development Cirriculum at U Ottawa Undergraduate Medical Education. He was awarded the Family Physician of the Year for Eastern Ontario in 2008 and Award of Excellence from the OCFP/CCFP in 2022. 

On a leadership angle, he is on the OMA General Assembly Steering Committee, is past Chairman of the Section of General and Family Physicians, past President of the Academy of Medicine Ottawa and District 8 Chair. He is on the Ontario Medical Foundation and Bruyere foundation. He has served on the following community boards Eastern Ontario Regional Lab Association, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, and the Shepherds of Good Hope. He was awarded the United Way Community Builder Award in 2009.

Finally, on a community engagement angle, he is involved in organizing educational events for doctors, providing interviews to radio, newspaper and TV. He is a published poet. He used to have a TV show on Roger’s community TV called Med Talks. He was awarded a Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013.

Contact Information

Name: Alykhan Abdulla
Title: Executive Member, Coordinating Team Member, Website WG Chair, MRAC Chair
Phone: 613-692-5433
Fax: 613-692-5435
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Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2022,

Healthy Debates


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