Dr. Pharmacist?  (more)

Pharmacists’ knowledge of medications is invaluable. But are they diagnosticians?

“I cannot reach my family doctor,” says the patient.

“Let me see if I can help you,” the kind pharmacist replies.

“I think I have a urinary tract infection (UTI). I usually get the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin twice a day for 10 days,” says the patient. “It feels like a UTI, and that medication has worked for me in the past.”

“OK. Here you go,” says the well-meaning pharmacist as she provides the requested antibiotic and advises the patient how to take it properly. The patient is happy and avoids the busy emergency room – a win-win scenario for the overburdened health-care system and the patient. The patient is spared a trip to the busy ER, urgent care clinic or family doctor’s office (if the patient has a family doctor at all) and the busy family doctor has time to see other patients with other problems. A simple problem with a straight-forward remedy and no harm possible, right?

Posted: December 17, 2022 by Alykhan Abdulla
Tags: Pharmacists, Prescribing
