
eCommerce Conference Suite arrives on  (more)

This platform now has a STRIPE eCommerce capability thanks to it's partners' contributions

The technology behind is similar to WordPress in that it, too, relies on economies of scale to deliver capabilities to clients that they do not have to pay for if another client has already funded the development of that utility. Thanks to this leveraging of partnerships this week, an eCommerce Suite has arrived on that can handle..

As part of this, now also has a SCORM-Compliant LMS (learning management system) built into its architecture.

We are benefitting from being a contributing organization that is part of a consortium of partner sites that collaboratively have grown a unique set of modules designed for healthcare professionals.

Our contribution-in-kind for receiving this enterprise-grade module will be to share our Sub-sites extensions with the consortium. Our Sub-sites module is a form-follows-function continuation of a module initially commissioned and funded by This framework is deeply rooted in working with an international client base of knowledge synthesis and knowledge translation experts in health.

What does this mean to the community of healthcare providers that serves?

If you are a primary care organization looking for an enterprise-grade event and course management solution with an integrated learning management system and built-in customer relations management tools, consider as your next host.

Please get in touch with our team if you are interested in learning more about these tools and how they can help grow your local community of professionals.


Posted: April 02, 2023 by Greg Van de Mosselaer
